I am a University of Texas at Austin, UTeach alumnus – which is a nationally recognized and replicated Science and Math teaching program across the United States.
- Subjects Taught
- 7th grade life science
- 8th grade physical science
- 9-12th grade: biology, integrated chemistry and physics, and chemistry (Regular, Pre-AP, AP, and a Dual-Credit course).
- Teacher PLC Leader
- I was a PLC lead at two high school campuses prior to leaving the classroom. At one of the campuses I actually led two of the PLCs within the department.
- Teacher Academy/Small Learning Community Coordinator
- One of my former schools switched to the academy model (schools within a school). I was one of the first three academy coordinators selected to help guide a group of teachers and the academy pathway.
- Master Science Teacher
- While I was officially given this title by my campus and district, my daily routine did not change in regard to being a PLC lead and helping other teachers.
- District-level Science Instructional Specialist (9-12)
- I served as my district's secondary science instructional specialist at the high school level for three years. In that role I provided pedagogical support, worked with teacher PLCs, conducted demonstration lessons, developed department-wide intervention plans, presented to campus principals and assisted campuses with data analysis. Additionally, I provided content specific professional development, to secondary science teachers at 17 high school campuses. The workshops were overwhelmingly positive based on teacher feedback and our End-of-Course results in biology compared to other large urban districts in the state of Texas.
- Assistant Principal
- I currently support students and teachers, particularly in the area of science, as a high school assistant principal. I also am the administrator overseeing the support of new teachers, the technology committee, and working with advanced placement programs. I also still do a lot of PD. :)
- Conference Experience
- I've currently had proposals accepted and presented at:
- CAST 2013
- CAST 2014
- Central Texas Mini-CAST 2013
- Central Texas Mini-CAST 2016
- Now that graduate school school is over and I have adjusted to my role as an AP, I am currently looking to expand my professional development opportunities to other districts and states; as well as at the national level (e.g. NSTA conference).
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